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Jackie & Ari:Manhattan Engagement Shoot - Where the City Meets the Park

Jackie & Ari braved the cold for their late December photoshoot starting off in the South Eastern area of Central Park where park meets urban NYC landscape. This area of NYC I find particularly useful for photoshoots as it merges both landscapes. Coming out of the park we came across a large sculptural art installation by Sam Moyer entitled Doors For Doris, which made for another stellar backdrop. After learning about Doors For Doris the placement of these giant concrete doors was very purposeful as they are a gateway and Intersection of park and urban NYC streets. Moyer has highlighted that this intersection can create an energized experience - bringing them together through the experience of walking through the door and entering one landscape into another. I couldn’t agree more and the blue and grey hues in the sculpture matched Jackie & Ari’s outfit colors which was lovely surprise!


Stephanie Eichman